Legendary Survivor Lost due to DC X3
To start - I have two Legendary Survivors. One was done old school with skill capping and XP quests, the other done one of the new ways - via GWEN and Kilroy boxing. I did the second toon during the Christmas week 2008 while on vacation. I had another toon languishing that was also survivor. After I finished my Ritualist, I started working on Andra the Mighty - my survivor toon warrior. I worked through using slayers and LB scrolls. When I had less than 5 runs left I hit a DC and my toon was dead when I finally managed to reconnect to the servers. Well, since I'm stubborn I went ahead and recreated the toon a second time. I came within 12 runs of completing the toon and a dc killed it. I told myself 3 times and you are out so I tried a final time. Last night while in the second to last run it happened (what are the odds?) and my husband and I both dc'd at the same time. Of course my toon was dead again. We captured our system log showing we had no ping returns and a friend sent me a link to outages on Comcast (our provider) due to DOS attacks that have been going on the last 7 days. I wrote to ANET and a nice tech went back into the records and pulled my prior ticket and sent them both off without the immediate "we can't reset a death counter." Well, today I got a response from a different tech and it was the same canned answer.
What is frustrating is that this is my third time losing out due to a hardware/network problem. I have the proof of the outage, yet there is no recourse from ANET to at least deal with these unusual cases. From my little corner in the world I've spent a lot of REAL WORLD time, GW gold, and damaged my arm dwarf-boxing. Just like everyone else I love this game, but find the danger involved with this title, and the lack of any recourse with it frustrating. All the other titles will not be lost due to a dc. You may have to redo a mission, but that is only time. With Legendary Survivor you are a victim of the winds of hardware, software, and of course Murphy.
I feel that ANET needs to do more with this. For April Fools they can change gender or make you a stick figure, but cannot fix something that is external to game play. In addition I want this to be a cautionary tale to those trying for this title in the "speedy" way. Unless you are 100% certain you will not DC, or for some other reason like typing '/resign' only to have your toon die. I'd avoid this title unless you enjoy disappointment or enjoy redoing things.
One of my fellow guildies said I should be given a maxed "Unlucky Title."
'nuf said.
Thanks for listening.